

现在是纳税季节, it's important to consider how tax-intelligent financial planning can lead to potential tax saving opportunities. 利用各种策略, 例如IRA分发和转换, 资本利得和资本亏损结转和慈善捐赠, 你可能会降低你的税单,并保留更多的血汗钱.


要考虑的一个策略是IRA分发和转换. 如果你有一个传统的个人退休账户, 你可以把它转换成罗斯个人退休账户, 哪些公司可以在退休后提供免税收入. 另外, taking advantage of qualified charitable distributions from your IRA can satisfy your required minimum distributions and lower your taxable income. 让我们更深入地看看这个策略:



在某些情况下, it may be advantageous to move some or all your funds from one retirement account type to another. A Roth IRA conversion can be beneficial, especially if you anticipate a high income in retirement. 然而, 在转换之前, 你应该考虑应税收入的潜在增长, the five-year holding rule and the tax implications of converting if your original retirement account contains pre-tax contributions. Withdrawing money from your account early to pay conversion taxes could also result in penalties. 在进行转换之前,权衡利弊是至关重要的.



There are various strategies to consider when it comes to withdrawing funds from your retirement accounts. 有两种方法值得考虑:

  • 传统方法: 按顺序从应税账户、延税账户和罗斯账户中提款.
  • 比例提款法: Withdrawing from each account based on its percentage of overall savings until reaching a target amount.


传统方法的目的是让递延税资产有更多时间增长. 按比例提款可以产生更稳定的税单, 可能降低终身税收和提高税后收入. Depending on your unique situation, one method may prove to be more beneficial than the other.


另一个策略是考虑你的资本收益和资本损失结转. By selling investments with losses, you can offset gains and potentially reduce your tax bill. 任何剩余的资本损失都可以结转到未来的纳税年度. 以下是一些可以帮你省下税款的方法:



如果你亏本出售股票或共同基金, 你可以用损失来抵消类似销售带来的资本收益. Current year net losses up to $3,000 can be reported, or $1,500 if married and filing separately. 超过3,000美元的净亏损可以无限期地结转到明年的收益中. Unused prior-year losses can be subtracted from the current year's net capital gains and a loss up to $3,000可以申报并从收入中扣除.



资本利得税是当一项资产, 比如AG捕鱼王新版app下载证券, 不动产或AG捕鱼王新版app下载物业, 卖的钱比买资产的钱多吗. 税率取决于资产持有的时间长短, 长期持有的税率低于短期持有.


There are several strategies you can implement that can help you to minimize capital gains taxes. 以下是你需要考虑的四个关键策略:


  • 持有应税资产: 持有应税资产一年或更长时间是降低资本利得税的一种方法, as the long-term capital gains tax rate is generally lower than the maximum tax rate for ordinary income despite fluctuations in tax brackets and capital gains tax rates.
  • AG捕鱼王新版app下载延税退休计划: 因为退休账户基金可以在递延税收的基础上增长, 如果对资本利得税进行评估,账户余额可能会增长得更多. Roth IRAs and 401(k) plans take this one step further: 税 on gains isn’t assessed even when funds are withdrawn in retirement as long as certain rules are followed.
  • 利用税收损失收益: 税-loss harvesting is a helpful investment strategy where underperforming investments sold at a loss can offset taxable investment gains. 每年最多可从普通收入中拿出3 000美元来抵消这些损失. 任何未使用的损失都可以无限期结转. 然而, 才有资格采用这种策略, 你必须至少等30天才能买回亏本卖出的股票, 或者,“洗后销售规则”会阻止你用损失来抵消收益.
  • 以值得赞赏的AG捕鱼王新版app下载进行慈善捐赠; AG捕鱼王新版app下载s that have appreciated in value from when you purchased them can be donated to charity. You will receive a tax deduction for the investment's fair market value on the date it was donated. 此外,资本利得税将不会适用于捐赠的AG捕鱼王新版app下载.


最后, charitable giving can be an effective way to reduce your tax bill while supporting causes you care about. 通过使用适当的税收筹划策略, charitable contributions can reduce three kinds of federal taxes: capital gains (as was just explored), 所得税和遗产税.

捐赠增值资产时, 比如股票或共同基金, you can reduce or eliminate capital gains tax and receive a tax deduction for the full value of the asset.



Knowing which tax strategies to utilize when making charitable donations can help you determine the amount, asset and timing of your gift to ensure that you are providing the maximum benefit to charity while also receiving the maximum tax advantages for yourself. 这里有一些你可以节省的方法:


  • 将多年扣除合并为一个: 由于2017年的税改, many taxpayers may not be eligible for the deductions required to exceed the standard deduction threshold. 然而, you can still receive a tax benefit by bunching several years' worth of charitable contributions into a single year to surpass the itemization threshold. 在非集中年度,您可以利用标准扣除额.
  • 遗产规划: 将资产捐赠给符合501(c)3规定的组织不包括在应税遗产中. You can also include this in wills and trust stipulations that allow beneficiaries to disclaim part of or all their inheritance in favor of leaving it to a charity. 慈善领导和剩余信托, annual lifetime gifts and Q-TIP trusts can help ease the burden of estate tax on your heirs while maximizing charitable donations.
  • 捐助国向基金: A donor-advised fund is a charitable giving account that allows individuals to contribute to a charity and recommend grants to any IRS-qualified public charity while enjoying an immediate tax deduction. The funds can also be invested for tax-free growth and offer benefits for organizing and planning charitable giving. 与私人基金会相比, 捐助者建议的基金在收入方面可能有更多的优势, 资本利得和遗产税.


税务智慧型财务规划可以提供许多潜在的节税机会. 无论是建立你的家庭还是事业, 为退休做准备或把财富传给下一代, working with a tax-intelligent Financial Professional can be one of your greatest assets and potentially lower your tax bill so you can keep more of your hard-earned money. 为你的独特情况确定最佳策略, 今天就联系你的税务专家.





专家们不停地说年金是多么“糟糕”或“美妙”, 但他们从不谈论年金是否正确.





